Recently I got involved at a customer location which was going to use Remote PC catalogs in combination with their XenDesktop / XenApp 7.15 environment. This was no problem whatsoever to configure but on closer testing I encountered a bug that when you create for example a delivery group called “Windows 10 Remote PC” and adding more than one desktop the second, third and so on would get the published name of the local computer name e.g. WSDELL34951 which doesn’t comply with a standard name. The following can be observed for the delivery group name:Normally you would see at “PublishedName” an empty value, to correct this take a note of the “Uid” number and put in the following command:
In this case my id was 4, and voila this will correct the name in StoreFront like in the following screenshot:
For the Multi Licensing part this needs to be done at the same level in powershell, see the following article:Multi-type licensing
In the previous screenshot you will see:
“LicenseModel” & “ProductCode” these need to be compliant with their respective edition of XenApp or XenDesktop license model, management is then per delivery group and not applicable for the entire site anymore. This would be a default for every new delivery group that will be created unless like in above screenshot you will add the “LicenseModel” & “ProductCode”
Hope this helps!