Quite recently I was at a customer where they had an SDX setup with single instances and needed to be upgraded and converted to an HA setup.
Well easy does it I created the instances on the second SDX and started creating HA sets. Numerous went fine and then one started giving errors. Could not propagate from the primary and after checking SSH/SCP access this would fail as well. I logged in through the console of SDX/SVM and saw that the sshd daemon wasn’t starting anymore. (On a side note all of the original SDX instances were upgraded in regard to the exploit of last December)
After some troubleshooting I came across the following discussion article: https://discussions.citrix.com/topic/405628-unable-to-connect-to-adc-nsip-version-121-and-130-using-sshsftp
The discussion referred to an support article regarding false positives and an SSH vulnerability:
After checking the sshd_config file and commenting out the following:
#option UsePrivilegeSeparation
#MACs hmac-sha1,hmac-ripemd160
The sshd daemon started again and the HA propagation and synchronisation started instantly. I’ve had this on several other instances as well and they all needed the above commenting out of the lines.
Hope it helps!