Notes from the field: Configuring AFAS Online with Azure

I have a quick win for those who are also in the process of migrating an ADFS configured AFAS Online setup to Azure Active Directory. I’ve already had an support call with them and besides the point they don’t support any troubleshooting IDP setups they did their best which in turn got me to sharing this.

So down to the point, the following article describes the SSO needed part for AFAS Online:

The parts that need to be adjusted are at the endpoint part, they refer to the federation metadata document which is not the one you need. This needs to be the OpenID Connect metadata document listed at the endpoints. Microsoft now defaults to the /v2.0/ part. (On a side note there might be some situations you will want to use the v1 document which is not listed anymore as an endpoint to copy, to use this just delete the /v2.0/ part and the old version will be used)

The final part is the configuration adjustment in AFAS Online, there when you fill in all the values the documentation states that “Scopes” is an optional field which in turn isn’t. I’ve only got it to work with this filled with email and the same at the claim part.

If you don’t fill out the scopes section it will error out with missing claim “upn” if that is the one you chose or “email”

Hope it helps!



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