Notes from the lab: VMware vCenter 7u2 ADFS changes

When vCenter 7 introduced ADFS integration I jumped on the configuration part in my lab and set it up with the necessary OAUTH integrations:

Now with vCenter 7u2 there are some changes when you have it in place and are upgrading:

The trust store is changed to VECS and you need to change/add that in vCenter:

Well one would think that everything is nice and dandy after this but I completely forgot that at the time I set the whole ADFS integration part on LDAP and of course no signing requirement in place:

These are the extra changes in my environment and need to be changed in vCenter as well:

Keep in mind that you will need to add a certificate for the LDAPS configuration part, after this the whole configuration should work again.

In my setup I would see a long waiting white screen the first time I would log in, that got resolved after a reboot of the vCenter appliance.

Hope it helps!



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