Tag: Citrix
Notes from the field: XenMobile Location services and SQL deadlocks
Came across a pretty specific issue in a large mobility environment regarding an old value from XenMobile 9 and still present in XenMobile 10, this is called device triangulation, with this the mobile service provider can triangulate the exact location from the device with constant updates regarding there location (this was an old value which…
Notes from the field: Provisioning Services 7.11/7.12 TLS 1.2 issue
Citrix Provisioning Servers can be showing a offline status because the SQL native client version (11.0.2100.60) installed with it will not support TLS 1.2 and due to this it will give an error in event viewer with event ID 11 – Undefined database error Installing the latest version of SQL native client on the PVS…
Notes from the field: Quick win: XenMobile remove bulk redeemed enrollments
When you are using enrollment invitations and you don’t clean this up for let’s say an environment with a few thousand of users/devices this could be a time absorbing action to do. Luckily there is a quick win for this and you’ll want to create a query for “dbo.ENROLLMENT_PASS” on the Database server and remove…
Notes from the field: NetScaler Upgrade Articles
Quick win see the following article for the all you can need regarding NetScaler upgrade articles: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX220371
Notes from the field: XenServer 7 mouse alignment MCS/PVS machines and XenServer 7 MCS XenTools
Came across two bugs on a XenServer 7 deployment in combination with XenDesktop/XenApp 7.12 worth sharing: The first is a mouse alignment issue which results in VNC mouse pointer slowness or disalignment of the pointer on a console session in XenServer, the following can check the status of the usb and usb_tablet parameters on the…
Notes from the field: XenMobile CBA didn’t I revoked that cert?
Just to start it off I’m assuming that the following is in place and fully configured and you are familiar with these concepts: – XenMobile 10.x cluster (XMS) – Active Directory (AD) – Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) – Active Directory Certificate Template(s) – NetScaler Gateway (NSGW) – Certificate Based Authentication (CBA) Which all of…
Notes from the field: XenMobile caveats
I’ve done a couple of Xenmobile implementations and found at least two interesting caveats that stood out, when implementing XenMobile and finding resolutions for the problems you’ll get when not adding it in your deployment. No.1 NTP got introduced again with XenMobile 10.3.x to be configured in the appliance, a little tip enter in an…
Notes from the field: Netscaler Insight Centre not showing data
I’ve come across an issue regarding the Netscaler Insight Centre were data is not showing all the time, at random it just fails on reporting and shows nothing. It seems that after a talk with support there is memory corruption occuring when the usage of insights memory is above 75%. Resolution shall be active in…
Notes from the field: Netscaler Insight Centre
I came across an issue with Netscaler Insight with the latest build for Netscaler 11 and the same for Insight, logging did not reach the appliance regarding GUI flowcharts, we did see traffic generate from and to the Insight centre but no updates in the GUI screen, after some digging around and reporting this with…
Notes from the field: XenMobile the road so far
Well it was time for an update regarding some XenMobile actions from the field, attached is an PDF with some of my ranting, enjoy the read: Notes from the field XenMobile the road so far